In-Person Rosen Method Bodywork Intensive
Finnish Hall, 1970 Chestnut St, Berkeley, CA 94702
Instructors: TBD
Fee: $1400 (Reviewers Fee: $840)
Deadline for registration is April 12th; there is a late fee $100 if you register after the deadline. Cancellations after April 12th will have a nonrefundable fee of $250.
A Cheryl Reed Scholarship is available to anyone upon request.
Come develop your capacity for self-awareness through gentle direct touch, joyful movement and sharing circles.
The Teaching team will explore the essence of Marion Rosen’s understanding of the mind-body connection through demonstrations, shared discussion and supervised practice. The intensive offers the possibility slow down to the inherent rhythms of our body and listen deeply into the wisdom held within us in an environment of natural beauty, transformation, and community. It is one component of a complete training program in Rosen Method Bodywork, and this course is open to Both career-track students and those who are interested in personal growth. For first-time participants, an application process is required. If you would like to apply for this course please send an email to with your answers to the questions linked here.
Spring Bodywork Intensive May 3-10, 2025
May 3-10, 2025