Senior Rosen Method Movement Training Teacher
Karen Peters has been a movement educator for over 20 years. She is a Certified Alexander Technique Teacher, a Certified Rosen Movement Teacher, and a Senior Rosen Movement Teacher Trainer.
She also holds an M.Div. from Union Theological Seminary in New York, and spent several years in academic teaching and teaching in the Peace Corps before diving below the surface into the rich world of the body.
Karen brings her wealth of knowledge from the Alexander Technique into her teaching of Rosen Movement and Experiential Anatomy. She has a gift for presenting the simplicity of Rosen Movement in an inspiring way, inviting people into a more playful, grounded, aware, and gentle relationship with their bodies. She loves bringing people (and herself!) more deeply into themselves and into an embodied and spacious present.
She currently teaches Rosen Movement classes and trainings in Napa and Berkeley, California, and online to people located anywhere.
email: karen.movewithease@gmail.com